We've gotten a few new things for Ben to do outside in the yard recently. He loves to be outside...he asks to go out constantly! Here are some pics of his playtime recently:

This is Ben and his cousin, Julie playing on the slide. We got this whole thing at BJ's . It has a slide on one side and a ball pit on the other. It came with only 50 balls so we bought some extras to fill it up more. They both love this!

Here's Julie with a big smile ready to go down the slide.

Here's Ben and Grandpa (Eric's dad) playing with the sand and water table. He loves to just throw the sand in the air. He ends up with it all over his face and in his hair.

We modified the slide a little bit. lol Eric got a pool at Walmart for cheap and then we moved the slide/ballpit so that the slide ends in the water. It's not what it was made for, but we only use it like this when Eric or I is right there helping him. He has a blast!

He thought the water coming out of the hose was the coolest thing! He kept tossing the hose to make the water fly in the air. We were just filling up the pool and he just couldn't wait to get in. It was FREEZING but he wouldn't get out! We finally had to decide for him and make him get out when his little lips started turning blue.

These were just taken this afternoon with his new basketball hoop. (Click here to see the deal we got) Daddy hopes he's a future NBA star.

After playing basketball, he decided to throw the ball in the pool. Then, he decided to go in after it...clothes and all. I just stripped him down on the spot and let him go in his diaper rather than dragging him back inside to change him.

This is what his poor diaper looked like after about 10 minutes! LOL! It must have weighed 10 lbs!

Our little fishy just loves the water!
hi my name is kim. i was wondering if u could tell me the name of this product? ive been searching everywhere!! my email is lovemybaby113@aol.com thank u!
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