Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CVS Photo Book Deal

This week at CVS you can get a ten page hardcover photo book for FREE! You bring in a disk. SD card or USB drive with your photos, pick the backgrounds and then the store prints them out and binds them in the book for you.

They are on sale this week for $7.99 and then you get $7.99 back in ECB! That means FREE after ECB!

The circular in my area says limit 1 but there are reports from people all over the country that the limit is actually 5! If it's true, you can keep rolling your ECB to get all 5 books. That means you only pay $7.99 OOP for 5 photo books and then have $7.99 ECB left over. If anyone in CT or MA tries it out let me know if you can do more than one. Don't forget that these make great gifts for grandparents!

If you don't know what a photo book is or how to make one, check out this post from Nicole's Nickels


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