Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I Won An Award!

I won the Kreative Blogger award! Actually, I won it twice. :) Both Justine at Justine's Grocery Brags and Lindsay at Frugal & Fabulous have given me this award. Thank you ladies so much!
I've been a little slow in posting, it though.

I have to list 6 things I'm thankful for and then pass this award along to 6 other blogs.

I'm thankful for:

  1. Eric. He's the best dad in the world to Ben and he's always putting up with me and doing the nicest things for me. We both love him very much.
  2. My Job. I am so lucky to be able to work doing something I love and with people and in an environment that I love. My co-workers are like a second family. (I'm a veterinary assistant in case you were wondering)
  3. The health of my family and friends. We are very fortunate to not have to deal with any serious health issues.
  4. Vacation! We're leaving in just over 2 weeks and I'm so excited!
  5. Gas is at $2.19 a gallon! Woo Hoo! We can actually afford to drive our car! lol
  6. All of my bloggy friends! I love you all! You're my escape at the end of the day. :)
I'm giving this award to:
  1. Julie at Frugal Shopping with Julie
  2. Angel at Savings Cafe
  3. Cher at Mama's Money Savers
  4. Julie at Free Birthday Treats Blog
  5. Tonya at Savin' The Day
  6. Rebecca at Mommyhood is Thankless
Check them all out and you'll see why I love them!


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