Friday, October 24, 2008

Expired Coupon Donation Totals

After much sorting and adding I finally have the totals for September coupon donations! Woo Hoo! It seems that it's taking me longer each month since more and more people are participating.

So, without further ado, here is the total dollar value of coupons donated this month:


I am absolutely amazed! That's a huge increase from last month! Here's the breakdown:
Food Items: $1098.67
Non-Food Items: $3909.01

Total Sent Year To Date:
Food Items: $1604.48
Non-Food Items: $6956.79
Grand Total Year to Date: $8561.27

A huge thank you goes out to the following ladies who donated their coupons (in no particular order):

Angel from The Savings Cafe: $807.63

Mr or Ms Brown from FL: $98.00

Ellen from VA: $797.53

Anonymous from FL: $756.29

Leigh from NC: $474.06

Deb from CT: $84.49

Me: $1989.68

These will be getting mailed within the next couple of days. After much thought, I've decided to add a Donations button to the bottom of this post. $5.000+ in coupons weighs a lot and postage is starting to get more and more expensive. I want to be clear, though, a monetary donation is NOT required to participate in this program!! If, however, you have an extra dollar or two, I would be extremely grateful if you would consider donating to me to help defray the cost of postage.

If you are interested in participating please click the "Expired Coupon Donations" button at the very top of this page. You can also email me anytime with questions.

Thanks again to everyone who participated this month!

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