Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cookie Monster

For those of you who don't already know, Eric is Mr. Mom while I work all day. It's a long story, but basically he had a career changing injury a few years ago and it's been a struggle ever since. It was a blessing in disguise though because shortly after the injury Ben came along. Instead of having to place him in day care, Eric stays home with him.

Yesterday, Eric made chocolate chip cookies. Mmmm...my fave! Apparently, they're Ben's favorite, too because he decided to shove an entire cookie in his mouth.

Here's the little cookie monster:

*Sorry about the red eye. I tried to post the edited ones but for some reason blogger wouldn't accept them.


Ronell said...

HAHA! Looks like Jacob! He's too cute with that cookie all over his face! Go Mr. MOM! LOL :-)

I'm taking Jacob to the library tomorrow for Musical Jamboree. Has Eric looked into anything at your library? Fridays are story time too at our library. Talk to ya later!

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