Friday, July 25, 2008

Today's News 7/25/08

Bizarre, Amusing and Interesting Headlines from Across the Web
Here are Today's Headlines:

Gwinnett Restaurant Scores 15 on Health Inspection

A Gwinnett County restaurant was closed after scoring 15 out of 100 on a health inspection.The Super Grand Buffet at 1630 Pleasant Hill Rd. was cited for a long list of violations during the routine inspection on Tuesday.
The inspector found chemicals and medicines stored next to food preparation areas.

There were flies in soup being served to customers, according to the inspection report. Raw fruit and vegetables were so poorly washed there was still dirt on them.

The Super Grand Buffet also was cited for filthy conditions in the kitchen with grease dripping from stove vents and dirt on food prep areas.

The restaurant's permit was suspended after the inspection, closing it down until it can be re-inspected.

Earlier this year another Gwinnett County restaurant, the Mar Y Tierra Family Mexican Restaurant at 521 Indian Trail Road in Lilburn scored a 13 on it's inspection.

Remind me not to eat in Gwinnett County, Georgia.

Man Charged with Shooting His Own Lawnmower

A man from Milwaukee is facing criminal charges after he solved a problem with his lawnmower by shooting it.

According to a criminal complaint, on Wednesday Keith Walendowski got drunk early in the morning. He decided to mow his lawn on the 3500 block of South Austin Street in Milwaukee.

He couldn't get the lawnmower to start. His solution? Prosecutors say Walendowski went to his basement and grabbed a sawed off shotgun, and he fired twice at the lawnmower.

"I'll tell you the truth. I got p---ed because my lawn mower wouldn't start, so I got my shotgun and shot it," Walendowski said to an officer. "I can do that, it's my lawn mower and my yard, so I can shoot it if I want."

If convicted, Walendowski faces up to six years and 90 days behind bars and fines of $11,000.

A local lawnmower repairman tells the Journal Sentinal that Walendowski may have trouble fixing the mower noting that anything not factory recommended voids the warranty.

LOL! I don't think a shotgun blast is quite what the factory would recommend.

Burnt Popcorn Prompts Evacuation at UT Dorm

An entire campus dormitory was evacuated overnight Thursday after residents reported a strong odor wafting from the fourth floor.

They were unable to identify the smell, so emergency officials evacuated all 200 people inside as hazmat crews investigated, KVUE-TV reports.

That's when they discovered the devious -- but delicious -- culprit.

But it gets even better. About 45 people complained of respiratory problems as a result of the popcorn smell.

The Austin Fire Department blamed the high number of patients on what they called a "sympathetic reaction."

That's what we call "hilarious."

"What we found was burnt popcorn. It was popcorn burnt on the fourth floor, and it had a pretty bad odor and it spooked a lot of folks," an AFD spokesperson told KVUE.

Most of the evacuees were summer school students and high school cheerleaders attending camp.

A would-be thief climbed to the roof of a Tinley Park gas station this week and disabled a credit card satellite transmitter by wrapping foil around it -- a low-tech way to rip off a high-tech system.

With the computer connection between the gas station and the credit card company down, the thief apparently hoped to charge items with an invalid credit card the old-fashioned way -- having employees make an imprint of the card and then send the charge in later. By then, the thief would be gone.

But not only was the transmitter foiled, so was the scam.

"At this point I haven't lost any money yet," said Glen Gorman, who owns the Shell at 17101 S. Harlem. "I won't say I won't in the next few days."

Someone saw a person on the roof of the gas station about 9:30 p.m. Monday and called Tinley Park police. When police squad cars zoomed in, the would-be thief was nowhere to be found, and Gorman didn't know what the officers were talking about. But around midnight an employee noticed the store's network was disconnected.

"That happens sometimes during storms, so we didn't think much of it," Gorman said.

When Gorman got to work Tuesday morning, some of the gas pumps wouldn't accept credit cards. Gorman called a Shell hotline and learned that thieves on the West Coast had been wrapping foil around satellite dishes to disrupt transactions.

"It dawned on me there was someone on my roof," Gorman said.

An employee climbed up and found foil around the satellite dish. He took it off and the network started working, Gorman said.

Shell said Thursday that the company was aware of the foil capers and was training gas station owners to watch out for thieves. A gas station operator in Cicero reported a similar foil incident Tuesday.


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